News | BedWatch

BedWatch Features Update | Jan. 22, 2014

Written by Steve Jourdan | Jan 22, 2014 9:19:00 PM

New Features

1. Customizable Unit & Facility Map Views
Modules Affected: Bed Control
Bed Control administrative users can now easily create dynamic, custom map views of their units, a group of units, or the entire hospital, which are completely editable via drag-and-drop functionality.

Users can easily make changes and updates over time to ensure the map is always up to date. Bed status changes will automatically result in the appropriate color changes on each individual users’ custom view.

House Supervisors, administrators, and other key users can create their own hospital-wide or system-wide views, based on their specific role and access.

2. Free-Entry Equipment Request Option
Modules Affected: Transport Control
When a hospital user submits a transport request using Transport Control and needs to include specific equipment that is not listed on the available equipment drop-down list, they can now select “Other” to open a free-form entry field, so they can communicate exactly what they need to the transport team.

3. Secondary Equipment Selection Option
Modules Affected: Transport Control
Administrative users now have the option to create conditional, secondary drop-down menus for the transport request, which would trigger a second drop-down menu, as needed, based on the user’s selections. For example, a user selecting “Pharmacy” may require a second drop-down to specify exactly what equipment they need.

Bug Fixes

  • “Delayed En Route” Reason not showing up on Transport Watch (fixed)
  • “Transports by Origin” Chart problems due to equipment requests with no origin (fixed)
  • “Completed by Manager” Report not working when no transporter specified (fixed)
  • Equipment list not sorted (fixed – now sorted alphabetically)

For more information about any of our productsplease contact us to schedule a live demo.