BedWatch News

Patient Placement Staff Can Request Beds and Place Patients Using an iPhone

Steve Jourdan - Mar 9, 2016 10:55:00 AM

BedWatch Admit Control is fully mobile, like all BedWatch products, and allows users to access the full spectrum of tools using any Internet-capable device — even a smartphone.

Placing Patients from You Smartphone

Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 10.44.11 AM

Steps 1 & 2. Click to enlarge.

Step 1: The requestor, typically a unit nurse or other patient placement team member, will begin the bed request process by logging in to BedWatch and searching for a patient by last name or medical record number.

Step 2: The requestor will select the correct patient to be placed from a list of patients who match the search parameters (such as multiple patients with the same last name).

Steps 3 & 4. Click to enlarge.

Steps 3 & 4. Click to enlarge.

Step 3: Once the correct patient has been selected, the requestor will add any additional necessary information to the bed request form (e.g., isolation precautions, sitter needs, etc.) and submit the request.

Step 4: BedWatch automatically updates information for all users, so House Supervisors and other key team members can view incoming requests on their mobile phones and finalize the patient placement process, regardless of where they may be in the hospital.

For more information about BedWatch Admit Control and all of our patient throughput management tools, please contact us.

Topics: Bed Turnover Improvement- Patient Flow- hospital flow- patient placement tools- News- health IT- healthcare tech- healthcare technology- Bed Turnover- fixing patient throughput- hospital patient flow- patient placement- BedWatch technology- patient wait times- Hospital bed management

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