BedWatch News

BedWatch Patient Flow Technology Puts Comprehensive Throughput Data at Hospital Leaders’ Fingertips

Steve Jourdan - Jun 23, 2015 11:15:00 PM

At BedWatch, we understand that you can’t manage what you don’t measure, which is why each of our patient throughput management tools collect comprehensive, time-and-date-stamped data around each point of the patient flow process.

Our built-in reports help to distill this highly detailed information into actionable data, making it easier for hospital leaders to accurately and objectively assess performance.

BedWatch offers a range of built-in reports, measuring key metrics like average bed turnover times, average patient transport times, and individual team member, as well as unit-by-unit and hospital- or system-wide performance. In addition to these built-in reports, BedWatch also offers comprehensive “Bed History” and “Transport History” reports.

Screen Shot 2015-06-23 at 12.00.07 PMThese extensive reports contain every activity and update made to each individual bed, as well as every single transport request submitted during a specific timeframe, respectively. They allow users to dig into the comprehensive data collected by BedWatch, and export it as they see fit in CSV, Excel, or PDF formats.

For more information on BedWatch technology tools and our comprehensive reporting capabilities, please contact us.

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