BedWatch News

BedWatch Features Update: First Look at Admit Control Reporting & Dashboards | Oct. 29, 2014

Steve Jourdan - Oct 29, 2014 7:00:00 AM

BedWatch Admit Control features comprehensive, time-and-date stamped reporting on every point in the admission process, from the time a bed is requested, to the time it’s assigned, until the patient is physically placed in the proper room.

Admit Control integrates seamlessly with Bed Control and Transport Control to provide a door-to-door patient throughput management solution. 

Reporting dashboards, like the one below, provide hospital users with real-time information on the progress of each individual patient admission, regardless of the source. Like all BedWatch products, Admit Control “bolts on” to existing Admission-Discharge-Transfer systems to provide transparency and up-to-the-minute admission status information, as it happens.

Sample Admit Control dashboard view. Click to enlarge.

Sample Admit Control dashboard view. Click to enlarge.

Dynamic dashboards allow users to isolate the information they need and customize the dashboard view to their specific role. For example, in the “Admit Flow by Hour” graph depicted above, only four of the six available data points have been selected. Selecting or de-selecting specific data points will automatically update the data displayed on the dashboard.

BedWatch dashboards ensure users can quickly and objectively assess performance by department, unit, or individual team member. Colorful, intuitive dashboards make it easy to isolate and identify areas that need improvement, so managers can proactively address potential issues as soon as they arise.

Each dynamic dashboard links to comprehensive, time-and-date-stamped data, which can be exported from BedWatch in a variety of formats, to ensure each hospital user can easily access admission data in order to examine processes, identify chronic areas of delay, and continue to refine admission and throughput processes.

For more information about Admit Control, please contact us

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