BedWatch News

250-Bed Pennsylvania Hospital Reduces Patient Transport Completion Time by 26% in First 30 Days, Sustains Improvement for 6 Months

Steve Jourdan - Jul 16, 2014 2:43:00 PM

Since implementing BedWatch Bed Control and Transport Control in January 2014, this 250-bed Pennsylvania hospital has reduced average patient transportation times by 26% in the first 30 days, and has sustained that improvement over the first six months of the partnership.

Transport Time Improvement - PA - 250 beds - 07.2014 The average patient transport completion time is determined by measuring the length of time between when the transport request is received and when the patient transport is completed.

BedWatch Transport Control automatically tracks these data points, as well as how long each step of the process takes, including the time it takes for a transporter to claim the request, to prepare to collect the patient, any delays that may occur, and the travel time from point A to point B. As a result, hospital leaders can easily monitor and objectively assess daily patient transport operations.

For more information about BedWatch Transport Control, or any of our patient throughput tools, please contact us.

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